Hello world! Welcome to Fountains Fans Fish tanks & Fries

There was a time, several years ago when sitting in a restaurant together as a family was nearly impossible.  Noisy, crowded placed were overwhelming to my son who is hypersensitive to sounds, sights, and textures.  Only a select, few food items made it from those little fingers to his mouth.  Staying home was the safest and most enjoyable experience for all.  Then we found one restaurant with a cascading water fountain in front, a huge mesmerizing fish tank inside, slowly rotating fans hanging from the ceiling and the best part, french fries on the menu.  Fountains Fans Fish tanks and Fries is inspired by my sons who have autism  I’ll share things we’ve learned during our journey in homeschooling a special needs child, while raising a neruo-typical child with as much “normal” as we can.  Hopefully I can share some helpful lifestyle and eating tips for caring for yourself and your mind as you care for your child.  I am always seeking ways to get my children to eat more diverse foods, as well as get plenty of physical activity. I will share those ideas with you.  Thanks for visiting our page. All questions, ideas and positive comments are welcome here.